Obama in Kindergarten. A Limerick.
Obama in pre-school – it has been a while. This is the picture, – but where is the file? Mysteriously lost, Only his papers tossed. The long form certificate gone, – that’s his style.
View ArticleKing Obama at Punahou School, A Limerick.
Obama, the King, it is set in concrete at Punahou school where he was an athlete. Scholastic: Grade B; But fit to a T. In searching his records: his file incomplete.
View ArticleObama is no longer lawyer. A Limerick.
For the links to the sources go to: http://www.desertconservative.com/2010/03/19/obama-no-law-license-and-not-a-constitutional-law-professor/ People, we need to wake up…before it’s too late FYI –Check...
View ArticleObama will rule by executive order: A Limerick.
Obama will rule by executive order, Suing the States but ignoring the border. Constitution? Who cares? The one lawless prepares to take over the country by civil disorder. Obama Considering Rule by...
View ArticleThe Chamber of Commerce and President Obama: A Limerick.
White House senior adviser David Axelrod to US Chamber of Commerce: What Are You Hiding That You Don’t Want the American People to See? AXELROD: Well I’m not demonizing the Chamber of Commerce. I’m...
View ArticleThe Long form certificate. Does it even exist? A Limerick.
From the Honolulu Star Advertiser: Jan 18 2011. Interviewer: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding Birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President...
View ArticleThe Obama impeachment song.
The impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go” Please impeach me, let me go I can’t usurp it any more Make decisions is a chore and bargain, it is to me a bore. . I believed in...
View ArticleObama: Made in the USA, but his birthplace is Kenya. A Limerick.
Obama was made in good old U.S.A. That’s true, but his birthplace is Kenya, ixnay? Fraudulent document Poisons our sentiment. He is but a fraud, that is all I will say.. .Sorry, this document is a...
View ArticleObama the fraud. A Limerick.
Obama, Soetoro, now Ludwig the fraud. His birth doesn’t matter if here or abroad. He is an imposter Says the SS roster. In spite of all this, Democrats still applaud. Barrack Obama used the SSN...
View ArticleThe Constitution, a most fascinatig document, does anybody care?
The Constitution; a most fascinating document. Is it still relevant? Maybe not, but who am I to judge. I am not a natural born citizen, not even a native born citizen or a native citizen, just a...
View ArticleImpeach Obama now!! A song.
The impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) Please impeach me, let me go I can’t usurp it any more Make decisions is a chore and bargain, it is to me a bore. . I believed in...
View ArticleObama, the phony scandaleer.
Obama: “My scandals are phony.” His BC is phony baloney. (1) SSS, SSIs (2) (3) Are all falsified lies. A three dollar bill is less phony. (4) (1) Lord Christopher Moncton of Benchley has calculated...
View ArticleThe Obama impeachment song (updated with a VA hospital verse)
The impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) The latest verse now deals with the VA hospital scandal: . Please impeach me, let me go I can’t usurp it any more Make decisions is...
View ArticleThe impeachment song (Updated with Jihadists for deserter exchange)
The impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) The latest verse now deals with the Jihadists for deserter prisoner exchange: Ten* Jihadists did I free for one deserter**, look at...
View ArticleTwo more verses to the Impeachment song
The impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) Two more verses added: Children crossing Rio Grande; As shields they get the welcome hand; Open borders for my band; Jihadists, and...
View ArticleThe case for Obama’s impeachment. A 17 verse song. And a Limerick
Fundamental transform of our land; A banana republic at hand. What Obama hath wrought: From our freedoms, long fought is defeat under his non-command. Obama has done immense damage to our country. I...
View ArticleSharyl Atkisson, the latest verse in the impeachment song.
Sharyl Atkisson was framed. We planted secrets, she’ll be blamed. But, she found out what we aimed. A Quisling I am, but not ashamed. And here is the whole impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please...
View ArticleAmnesty? One more verse to the impeachment song.
Amnesty by my decree, myself an alien, don’t you see? Constitutionality? I’m Emp’ror, no laws apply to me. And here is the whole impeachment song: (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) Please...
View ArticleVerse 22 of the Obama Impeachment song: Obama the Muslim Brother.
On September 1 2014 Egypt’s largest newspaper claimed on its front page that Obama is a full fledged member of the Muslim Brotherhood. That was in September. It received very little media attention. It...
View ArticleThe complete Obama Impeachment song.
This is the whole impeachment song: Imagine President Obama singing it! (To the tune of “Please release me, let me go”) 1. Please impeach me, let me go I can’t usurp it any more Make decisions is a...
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