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Verse 93 of the Obama impeachment song. Obama founded ISIS.

A Defense Intelligence Agency document declassified last year shows the Obama administration was warned in 2012 that if it continued its policies, a radical Islamic regime could form in Eastern Syria....

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verse 94 of the Obama impeachment song: George Soros the puppet master.

In Wikileaks leaked email, titled ‘Unrest in Albania,’ George Soros instructs Secretary of State Clinton that “two things need to be done urgently” and proceeds to order the Secretary of State to...

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Verse 95 of the Obama impeachment song: Why Obama says ISIL.

Obama and all his cabinet and active generals call ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) ISIL (the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant). This must mean he sends a signal to all his Muslim friends...

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verse 96 of the Obama impeachment song: Sign the Paris Climate 2015 “treaty”.

By Myron Ebell :  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/08/26/china-and-us-to-ratify-landmark-paris-climate-deal-ahead-of-g20-summit-sources-reveal/ The South China Morning Post reported on Thursday that...

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Verse 97 of the Obama impeachment song: John Kerry’s solution to terrorism.

During Secretary of State John Kerry’s first official visit to Bangladesh, he met with top Bangladeshi government officials and held a press conference at the Edward M. Kennedy Center in Dhaka. In...

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Verse 97 of the Obama impeachment song: Obama the original birther.

Once upon a time there was a man who was proud to have been born in Kenya. ( See the book insert. By the way, his book was never published). Reality forced him to change his truth and he had to change...

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Verse 98 of the Obama impeachment song: The eulogy of whom?

President Barack Obama in Israel for the funeral of former Israeli president Shimon Peres pointed out that both he and Peres had “unlikely” lives. “I think our friendship was rooted in the fact that I...

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Verse 99 of the Obama impeachment song. George Soros, the real boss.

Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign’s coordination with George Soros’s Open Society Foundations...

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Chelsea Clinton on photoshopped fakes, a Limerick.

What Chelsea the Clinton did twit just proves that she is a nitwit. It’s a photoshop make like the famed Long Form fake. It’s time for the Clintons to quit. This is what Chelsea Clinton twitted: (Yes,...

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The Constitution; a most fascinating document. Is it still relevant?

Maybe not, but who am I to judge. I am not a natural born citizen, not even a native born citizen or a native citizen, just a naturalized citizen. When me and my wife immigrated to America many years...

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